My Kind of Dispute!
Here I am, once again discussing ways we could #BeKind to each other, even if we’re on opposite sides of the Great Nicotine Debate. Please don’t roll your eyes at me! (Big Grin as I visualize the eye rolls! Having survived more than one child at the “precious” age of 13, I remember them well.)
Let’s step away from nicotine for a moment, examine other disputes, and consider how we can be less emotional about people we disagree with. This is one of my favorite disputes because of how the parties dealt with it.
I have spent most of my life believing that when two people disagree, one must be right, and the other must be wrong. Listening to the sermon by Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, who does not share my binary right/wrong view, was a brain stretcher. She encourages people to pair up with those they disagree with because respectful debate can enlighten both parties.
In her sermon, Rabbi Buchdahl said, “Dissent is productive. If you start to debate, you may discover something that transcends the binary: You may discover a third opinion. And it will inevitably be wiser than either of the first two.”
While discussing viewpoint diversity, Jonathan Haidt wrote, “Be humble, recognize your limits, and seek out those who differ from you because they are best placed to help you become smarter.”
One way to build a foundation for a conversation is to understand where each of us is coming from. We should see each other as individuals, not as identities, beliefs, or different labels. Learning more about another person’s viewpoint is worth the effort, so I began my quest to do so.
I began talking to people, watching Ted Talks, reading books, and taking classes. After taking the Rutgers Tobacco Treatment Specialist class, I enrolled in a course offered by the University of Michigan. Overall, the course told the story of nicotine, its past, present, and future.
One of the things I like about the Tobacco & Nicotine: Public Health, Science, Policy, and Law course I signed up for is that it gives me a better understanding of the processes that have led to our current status in the nicotine space. While it is primarily focused on the U.S., I think much of it applies to the global debate on nicotine.
Some people I’ve spoken to are focused on what the legacy tobacco companies did in the past. Their comments give me a sense of anger, disgust, and fear. There’s a saying that goes something like, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” I feel they are on a mission never to be duped again. The course taught me why people think that way. It helped me understand why some people are laser-focused on “squashing the industry.”
Other people I’ve talked to have honed in on litigation, laws, and regulations. Some believe our regulations work, while others think they must be changed. The course thoroughly explained the history behind the Master Settlement Agreement and the Tobacco Control Act. It taught me how the Food and Drug Administration ended up regulating all nicotine products.
The course does an excellent job of exploring the concept of tobacco harm reduction and explaining the continuum of risk. However, no story is complete without an ending. The last module explores what some call the “tobacco endgame.” What might it look like?
The course materials are covered by 18 well-known experts in the nicotine space. I was deeply touched when asked if something I said could be quoted in one of the videos. I am honored to have a consumer perspective included! The quote is in the wrap-up video for Module 5, which Cliff Douglas narrates.
My transcription of Cliff’s narration: “I think it’s worth observing that too often lost in the fraught discussions in this area is the human side of the equation, the millions of people who smoke and whose well-being and very lives are directly impacted by our actions and those of government. Whether one comes from public health, government, industry, or other sectors, it’s worth bearing in mind the words of a thoughtful consumer advocate named Skip Murray, who said the following; ‘I believe with my heart and soul that while we analyze data, we need to see people, not just numbers. And when we do that, we’re going to save more lives and save them faster.’ Amen to that!”
As a community, if we would prioritize seeing, hearing, and understanding those we differ with and approach each other with empathy and curiosity, I think we’d make more progress on reducing smoking-related deaths. Wouldn’t it be something if we spent time talking respectfully with each other and arrived at a third opinion? Imagine what a difference it would make if that third opinion were the solution we were all seeking and hadn’t realized it was the answer we were looking for!
Until next time…
PS: Right before publishing this, I learned that today is the 61st Anniversary of the first Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health.
I love words. Ha! I bet you never guessed that one! (giggling!). I like them so much that “learn a new word every day” is on my daily self-care list. That may be a unique form of self-care for some of you. One of the goals of my list is to take time to slow down and do the things that bring me joy. I like learning. Thanks to Harry Shapiro, today’s new word is Podsnappery.
I need to do a little housecleaning. I missed some upcoming events that will happen before the next Events Newsletter gets published.
Jan 16, 2025, 11:00 AM CST (Virtual) - Leaders in Public Health: Dr. Jerome Adams. Dr Adams posted: “I am excited to participate in the Leaders in Public Health series at the Yale School of Public Health on January 16th, 2025! We’ll be talking about politics, public health, and the need for more civility!”
Jan 16, 2025, 11:00 AM CST (Virtual) - FDA Grand Rounds - The PATH from Data to Action: Key Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study to Inform FDA’s Regulatory Activities.
Jan 16, 2025, 11:00 AM CST (Virtual) - 2025 Priorities and Opportunities (ASH US). NOTE: If you are affiliated with or funded by the nicotine industry, do not pass GO, do not collect $200, and G-d forbid, DO NOT click the link and sign up for this webinar.
Life has been challenging and filled with loss the past few weeks. I am grateful for my inner strength and the strength I gain from leaning on others.
Smoking’s pop culture revival is an unwelcome throwback for public health. “The 1990s are firmly back in style. From bucket hats to Britpop playlists, the last decade of the 20th century is being celebrated across social media and pop culture. But alongside the harmless nostalgia, a far more unwelcome trend has been revived: the glamorisation of smoking…Research has consistently shown that media depictions of smoking influence young people, shaping their attitudes towards smoking and their cigarette use. This effect is dose related, so the greater the exposure, the greater the risk of a young person taking up smoking. What’s more, the effect is independent from how smoking is portrayed—it’s irrelevant whether smoking is condoned, encouraged, glamorised, or not.”
This makes me wonder if the frenzy over youth vaping in the US influenced teen vaping. I worry the same thing will happen with nicotine pouches. Jukka’s tweet shows that I’m not the only one pondering this. As I watch the moral panic spread in the UK, I’m curious to see if what happened in the US will also occur in the UK.
Jeffrey Weiss - “Those who follow these posts on tobacco harm reduction may wonder why I focus on FDA-authorized products – as opposed to advocating for all vaping products regardless of authorization status…”
GFN.TV Interviews #55 | QUIET TRIUMPH | Collapse in Youth Smoking Ignored by Public Health. Featuring: DR. KENNETH WARNER
The Studies Show - Episode 61: Conflict of interest.
Francis Collins on Supporting NIH and Finding Common Ground.
What Unique Challenges Does South Africa Face in Implementing Effective Harm Reduction Policies? .
Safer alternatives to smoking can save nearly 700,000 lives in Chile, Ireland and Taiwan. "What makes this report especially powerful is that it demonstrates how THR works in different regions with different social and political contexts. From Ireland’s EU regulations to Taiwan’s unique status and Chile’s health challenges, the case for safer alternatives is universal.”
Navigating FDA and ICH Guidelines: Analytical Testing Validation for Tobacco Products. “Here, we explore FDA guidelines alongside ICH Q2(R2) to highlight the similarities and differences in their guidance on validating analytical procedures.”
Sadly, I could do an entire newsletter every week devoted to misleading information on social media and in the news. I will try to limit myself to just a few.
Aaron Hartman MD - (video) “Once seen as a "safer" alternative to smoking, vaping is proving to be a health disaster. From popcorn lung to brain shrinkage and early dementia, the effects are showing up in young adults far too soon. It's time to question the trends & prioritize long-term health.” Update!!!! Dr. Hartman deleted the tweet/video! His new tweet says, “Thanks for the thoughtful interaction (for those who made the effort to be thoughtful) on my last post. I’ll revise and repost soon, and I’d love to continue the discussion at that point. In the interest of clarity and productive conversation, I’ll be more mindful to avoid any unintentional misunderstandings.”
U.S. Soldiers 10 Times More Likely to Use Addictive Nicotine Pouches, Study Finds. “American soldiers are 10 times more likely to use nicotine pouches that can cause serious health issues than average American adults, according to a survey…The highly addictive pouches have been linked to cardiovascular risks, lung and stomach problems, gum ulcers, oral health issues and other concerns, including nicotine’s ability to promote the growth of cancer.” (There are no references in the article or study validating this claim. ~Skip)
Viral Bali Vaping Video Sparks Health Debate: Doctor Reveals Truth About Vape Pods. “Dr Rajan further suggested that there was scant evidence regarding vaping helping individuals quit smoking altogether. Vaping, according to Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals' senior consultant, respiratory and critical care, Dr Rajesh Chawla, is far from being a safe alternate to smoking: it is a highly dangerous and could turn deadly for someone who attempts to quit tobacco, he agrees in an interview with HT Lifestyle.”
X's Community Notes Are a Model for Public Health Success—Will Meta Actually Follow Suit? "Misinformation" has been at the forefront of public debate for more than a decade. The debate has now entered medicine and public health where complaints about misinformation are plentiful but empirical strategies to solve the problem are rarer than unicorns.”
The algorithmic heart of Community Notes. “But what do we know about Community Notes, the fact-checking system Meta will adopt from X? And what do we know about how the algorithm at the heart of the Community Notes system actually works? That’s where we’re goingtoday - Let’s check the facts on this fact-checking set up!”
de vangrailmaaier (ACVODA) - Living thread with the community notes on WHO itself and its members. (16 examples from the nicotine space have been made public so far.)
Update - Tweet(s) now displaying a community note:
UCSF - “Youth vaping is on the rise, and UCSF experts are uncovering the tactics driving it. A Supreme Court case could change how the FDA regulates tobacco, with a decision expected in 2025.” (The tweet links to an article that Dr. Siegel wrote about debunking some of the misinformation contained in the article.)
How the FDA Made a “Gigantic, Chaotic Mess” of the US Vapes Market. “…some surveys suggest that about a third of the 18 to 20 million people who vape have given up cigarettes entirely. They’ve made what could be a lifesaving choice.What we’ll never know is how many more people would have made that same choice had they been encouraged to do so by the FDA and others in the government who are responsible for improving the public’s health.”
Regulatory Framework for Novel Nicotine Products: Broughton Life Sciences Recommendations. “As the global conversation on tobacco harm reduction evolves, regulatory frameworks for novel nicotine products are under scrutiny. Broughton Life Sciences Ltd., a leading consultancy in life sciences, recently submitted comprehensive recommendations to the UK Parliament, offering a roadmap for establishing safety, quality, and compliance standards for nicotine pouches and other reduced-risk alternatives.”
Melbourne organised crime figure knocked on door for help during fatal shooting in Melbourne's west. “Detective Superintendent Janet Stevenson said Mr Sherwani was possibly involved in Victoria's destructive black market tobacco dispute.”
Switching to e-cigarettes may ease respiratory symptoms, offering hope for smokers. “The findings indicate that switching from CCs to ECs offers immediate or short-term benefits similar to quitting smoking entirely. This could provide valuable insights for smokers who struggle to quit and may find switching to ECs a viable option for improving respiratory health. This perspective is rarely emphasized in existing literature.”
Tobacco prohibition by stealth. “Wodak argues that, like other people who use drugs, tobacco users will switch to safer forms of nicotine use, provided that the safer ways of taking drugs are attractive, cheaper and available. And that is what is being sabotaged in Australia due to unrealistic vaping laws, promulgated by the Department of Health.”
Vapes four times more profitable than tobacco to convenience stores – study. “The study highlighted the potential benefits to small retailers of existing smokers switching to vaping, and showed that tobacco sales were becoming increasingly unimportant for businesses, the authors said…Sometimes business and public health interests align – we would all be better off if fewer people bought tobacco.”
Washington lawmakers begin push to ban flavored vapes. “A similar measure in Oregon is set to be debated this year, said Susan O’Brien, of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.”
Federal Surveys Demonstrate E-Cigarettes Have Been Successful Quit-Smoking Aids For a Decade. “Now we have definitive population-level evidence, provided by the federal government, that e-cigarettes have been the most popular and among the most successful quit-smoking aids for almost a decade. It is long past time for government officials to acknowledge these facts.”
Top 10 Flavour Papers. “Part of the new Tobacco and Vapes Bill gives ministers the power to ban fruity flavours and limit vapers to tobacco vapes – justified because they think it won’t impact adult quitters but will prevent teen experimentation.”
Biden's last chance to tackle tobacco: Limiting nicotine levels in cigarettes. “The proposal, which could come as soon as Monday, is not expected to include tobacco products like e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement patches and lozenges.”
More news: Vapers Digest January 8.
Tweet by Western Mass News: “Believe it or not, some parents are steering their kids towards SMOKING in order to quit vaping! More details of the alarming information we've uncovered and what experts are saying, streaming tonight at 6PM on Western Mass News.” News article: UMass study reveals the safest way to quit nicotine. “Hartmann-Boyce said the most alarming information they found was in some cases, parents encouraged their kids to switch from vaping to smoking cigarettes. “It’s important for anyone listening to know that smoking is more harmful than vaping nicotine,” she emphasized. “So, you do absolutely not want to move over to smoking as a way to quit vaping.”
School slammed for installing CCTV 'deterrent' in pupil toilets to clamp down on vaping and bullying. “However, parents and pupils alike expressed concerns about the presence of the cameras, raising questions about the school’s commitment to safeguarding practices and children’s right to privacy.”
Youth drug use defies expectations, continues to decline. “Declines in drug use in 2024 were evident across alcohol, marijuana and nicotine vaping, which are the three most common forms of substance use by adolescents…For nicotine vaping, the 2024 declines continue a 180-degree turn centered around the pandemic onset…”
A Stronger IT Partnership Between the FDA and CBP. “In a recent meeting, CBP CIO Sonny Bhagowalia and FDA CIO Vid Desai discussed the potential for sharing technology, data, and IT resources to better detect harmful products, reduce delays, and strengthen the supply chain. To inform their vision, the two agencies have co-authored a joint white paper titled A Stronger IT Partnership Between the FDA and CBP: Opportunities to Share Technology, Data, and Resources, that may lead to more formal collaboration.”
Food and Drug Administration, et al., Petitioners v. R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co., et al. Reply of Food and Drug Administration, et al. submitted.
IN THE COMMONWEALTH COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. “We hold that the provisions of the Act allowing the Department to request information of applicants for a manufacturer’s license are invalid, on their face, as an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the Department. Accordingly, we vacate the Department’s determination. Further, because the offending provisions of the Act are not severable from the process of applying for and granting licenses to manufacturers, we strike the provisions of the Act that establish manufacturer licensing, though we keep intact the provisions regarding licensing of wholesalers and retailers.”
I create these newsletters as a personal project. They are not affiliated with any current or past employers or groups I do volunteer work with. I receive no financial compensation for my efforts to create these newsletters.
My blog, Skip's Corner, has an X/Twitter account. My personal accounts are on BlueSky, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter).