The New Study That Isn't
Isn't finished, isn't peer-reviewed, isn't published, isn't factual...
We’ve entered clickbait hell. How many people will be harmed?
(Note: This entry, originally published February 27, 2025, was updated with more information on March 1, 2, and 5, 2025. I decided this story warranted a deeper dive, and I love diving for details! I have more research I want to do on this and will update this again in the future. Thank you to everyone who has looked into this topic. Dave Cross and Christopher Snowdon found things I did not find, which have been added to the compilation below.)
There’s a new study out in all the wrong places. It has not been published in a journal, and I don’t know of it as a preprint anywhere. Instead, this unfinished study, with questionable results and a complete lack of peer review, is already making the headlines. I was curious about the study's validity when the information recently released about it was on the first page of The Mirror. I’m not aware of that publication as a reliable source of factual information.
I’ve heard a saying that people read the headlines and not the article. Or they read the first few paragraphs but don’t read to the end. So, I will start with the parts that impress me, the parts I hope everyone sees. I’ll then fill you in on the backstory behind the recent flood of vaping headlines about this study, and I’ll leave my collection of the trashy headlines as an afterthought towards the end of this.
Letters to the study authors and their institution, article authors, publications, etc.
26 Feb 2025 by Clive Bates: Irresponsible publicity related to an unpublished vaping study. ←If you haven’t read that, please put it in your “must read” pile. It is excellent! Reprinted here.
Pushback via blogs, op-eds, articles, Science Media Centre, PubPeer, etc.
Researchers of Severely Flawed Study Conclude that Vaping is Just as Harmful as Smoking and Causes Heart Disease and Dementia. Dr. Siegel’s tweet about it is here.
Lies in The Mirror. Tweet about it here.
No, vaping is not as dangerous as smoking. Tweet about it here.
Pushback via social media.
24 Feb 2025 by Tom Chivers. (X)
24 Feb 2025 by Dr. K. Farsalinos. (X)
24 Feb 2025 by Christopher Snowdon. (X-thread)
24 Feb 2025 by Dave Cross. (X-thread)
25 Feb 2025 by Riccardo Polosa. (X)
25 Feb 2025 by Roberto Sussman. (X)
26 Feb 2025 by Dr. Sarah Jackson. (X)
And many more…
Tweets with Community Notes that are viewable to the public. (You can vote on these!)
The original article that sparked the latest cavalcade of misinformation was also the first to receive a community note.
Now the Backstory…
The issue we’re discussing today is rooted in Manchester Metropolitan University's (MMU) hallowed halls. If that university and the controversy over vape information ring a bell with you, they should. Some of us were discussing them in 2024.
On September 13, 2024, MMU published the press release “Young vapers perform worse in exercise testing, research shows.” This study was funded by MAHSC in 2022.
The press release stated, “The research also showed that the performance of young vapers was similar to that of young smokers.” The information for that press release was based on a conference abstract (A screenshot of authors is below this paragraph.) about a study that had yet to be published. Dr. Azmy Faisal was the lead author and conference presenter. Two experts critiqued the press release and abstract and published them on the Science Media Centre’s website. This study did garner headlines, but not to the extent of the study this commentary is about.
I think it’s important to note that Dr. Boidin (mentioned below) is not on the list of study authors in the conference abstract. It would appear that at least two studies about vaping came from the same university, with “results” released before peer review and publication. In defense of the study above, conferences sometimes have presenters who talk about their work and the results before they have been published. I searched PubMed for a study by Faisal that might be the one discussed at the conference, but I didn’t find what I was looking for, so it is possible it still hasn’t been published.
Is there a connection between Boidin and Faisal? Yes, the study currently making headlines finds them working together. An article published on 25 Feb 2025 fills in the blanks, “According to Dr Azmy Faisal, a senior lecturer in cardiorespiratory physiology at Manchester Met, who was part of the study with Dr Boidin…” (FYI, clicking on the link for that article is irritating! Ads, ads, ads, and more ads. Popping up and making it hard to read the article) NOTE: I haven’t found further verification that they have worked on the same study/studies. (See 3-4 April 2024 Bases Conference below. Faisal’s name is not listed as an author.)
On 21 Apr 2023, Boidin tweeted, “Serious faces but great conversation with national and international collaborators such as tiago, Yasina, ellen, RTJunejo about starting our e-cigarette & vascular function research project in the facilities of McrInstSport and in collaboration with LJMUSportSci.”
On 19 May 2023, Boidin tweeted, “Let's start my first project as a PI at the McrInstSport and in collaboration with LJMUSportSci: What are the acute and chronic impacts of e-cigarette use on peripheral, central, and cerebral vascular function? Of course, validated by tiagopecanha”
On 09 Jun 2023, Dr. Boidin tweeted, “Practice for the visit number 2 of the e-cigarette research project at the [Manchester Met Institute of Sport] in collaboration with [LJMU Sport Science].” (Note: Video of someone riding an exercise bike while wearing a mask attached to a tube and some machinery.)
On 15 Jun 2023, Boidin tweeted, “GoGoGo!! Our e-cigarette research project has been ethically approved! A last exercise testing practice before we start! Exciting! McrInstSport MMU_MSSM LJMUSportSci.” (Video)
On 20 Jul 2023, Boidin tweeted, No coffee for 12h, Stefan is taking it seriously! E-cig and vascular function at the McrInstSport LJMUSportSci MMU. (video)
Sky News published an article on 01 Oct 2023 about the new study which would take 18 months to complete and will measure the long-term effects of vaping on cadiovascular health. Boidin’s tweet. (Note: I don’t understand how that will show the “long term” effects of vaping.)
On 03 Oct 2023 MMU published New study will explore long-term health impacts of vaping on their website. “For the study, the vascular function of 20 vapers, 20 cigarette smokers, and a control group of 20 individuals who do not smoke anything at all, will be assessed… In order to measure elasticity, the participant’s hand will be submerged into ice water, which will cause the blood vessel to react. Participants will also take part in a fitness test, where Cerebral Blood Flow – which is the speed of blood flow in the brain – and their ability to take on oxygen, will also be measured. To ensure the long-term impacts of vaping and smoking is being assessed, all participants will be tested in a fasted state, having had no food, caffeine, cigarettes or vapes that day…The final stage of testing will see the smoking group and the vaping group take part in an additional fitness test, 30 minutes after being given a cigarette or a vape, which will allow researchers to see some of the immediate impacts on health as well…We should heed the lessons from the mistakes made in the 1980s regarding traditional cigarettes and avoid repeating similar errors with e-cigarettes.”
On 20 Oct 2023, Boidin tweeted, “We've got our first smoker in our e-cig project! [celebrate emoji] let's put hands into cold water again and again!” (Contains video of participant being monitored with hand in bucket of ice water.)
On 30 Oct 2023, Manchester Met Doctoral College published a tweet that said, “Dr Maxime Boidin, Senior Lecturer at [Manchester Met Institute of Sport], is running a study to investigate the effect of vaping on blood vessels. Participants are needed who only smoke or only vape, or do not smoke or vape. You must be aged between 18-45 years old with no chronic disease.”
On 09 Nov 2023, MMU tweeted, “Our Senior Lecturer Dr Maxime Boidin talks about his research on the long-term health impacts of vaping…[BBC Manchester]” (Note: The link to the show results in a “page not found.”)
On 04 Dec 2023, Dr. Boidin showed his lab and the research he’s working on to Jordan North. North is behind a short documentary titled “The Truth About Vaping,” released in March of 2024. (MMU and Boidin have tweeted about the documentary. See examples here and here. There are more, but I didn’t capture them all.)
Boidin’s tweet on 08 Dec 2023 says, “Another talk about the impact of e-cig use on vascular health with some preliminary data.” This links to an event held the following January titled “Met talks...about e-cigarettes.” The one-hour replay of his presentation can be found here. Boidin tweeted the link after the replay became available.
On 15 Dec 2023, Boidin tweeted, “First analysis of the e-cig vascular data! Very exciting! First thing to say: FMD is present!” [emoji of blushing smiley face] (Photo of screen showing the testing results)
On 19 Dec 2023, Boidin tweeted, “First time we're presenting some pilot data from our e-cigarette project on vascular function! Very promising findings! McrInstSport” (Photo of someone doing a presentation.)
On 09 Jan 2024, Dr. Boidin tweeted, “We need more vape users for our research project. Please share or contact me to take part.”
On 01 Mar 2024 Dr. Boidin tweeted, “Vaping is Medicine they say.... Well, our pilot data don't go this way at the moment....” (Note, there is a photo with his tweet. I don’t know where he took it, but I agree with his questioning the display. That display is not OK in my opinion.)
There’s an update on 08 Mar 2024 in Boidin’s tweet: “We reached 21 participants in our e-cig and vascular function study. And we also look at the cardiorespiratory response to maximal exercise among the participants... such an exciting project!” (video of participant)
A tweet from Manchester Metropolitan University on 21 Mar 2024 states, ”Senior Lecturer Dr. Maxime Boidin explores the long-term health impacts of vaping by comparing the vascular health of vapers, smokers and non-smokers. Find out how our research is Transforming Health. (Note: The link provided leads to a “page not found” on the university website. This happened previously on 07 Oct 2023.)
On 28 Mar 2024, Boidin tweeted, “Our interest is not only about e-cig and vascular function, but also cardiac function during exercise in a hot and humid environment” (Shows a video of someone in a reclined position, peddling, while being monitored.)
On 03 Apr 2024, Boidin tweeted, “Presenting early data from our e-cig project, this time it is on cardiorespiratory response to maximal exercise during the basesuk student Conference 2024.” (That organization changed its handle in 2025.)
The BASES Student Conference was held from 3 to 4 April 2024. The information for Boidin’s project, “20.A51—The acute effect of e-cigarette use on cardiorespiratory response to exercise in young individuals, " is on page 30 of the program. Below is a screenshot from that page showing the authors and the institutions they are affiliated with. This seems to be the 2nd part of the study Boidin has been working on, which will end in March 2025. (But that’s my best guess until I find more information.)
Then, on 05 Apr 2024, Dr. Boidin tweeted, “That is incredible! We also measure carotid artery in our e-cig project, a good non-invasive surrogate of coronary arteries. How do you think vaping could impact them? We already know the answer!”
Good Morning Britain interviewed Dr. Boidin on 16 Apr 2024 where Boidin said “according the the pilot data they have at the moment are demonstrating that vaping is as harmful as smoking on the blood vessel around the neck, the blood vessel in the arm, and… (Note: I couldn’t make out the words)… so it’s not even better than smoking, it’s as harmful as smoking, at the moment, and again, we can’t make any conclusion because we haven’t finished the study.” (Note: a tweet from GMB staff member shows photos of the lab and filming for the interview. Boidin quote tweeted it. )
On 02 May 2024, Dr. Boidin appeared on BBC Radio 5 Live. I didn’t find a recording, but here’s a tweet about it with photos. Boidin tweeted about it the next day.
On 13 May 2024, Boidin tweets, “This morning, one talk about e-cigarette research project in Canada! McrInstSport LJMUSportSci.” This links to an article in a Canadian publication (Google Translate): Is vaping bad for your heart? “…Is vaping as bad as smoking cigarettes? Maxime Boidin believes so. At least as far as the elasticity of the arteries is concerned, which is vital for properly supplying the heart and brain with oxygen. About half of the 60 participants – 20 vapers, 20 smokers and 20 non-smokers – have yet to be recruited, so the results are too early to be definitive, especially since other scientists will have to review them before publication…” (In the section of the article giving details about the study, it answers a question many of us have expressed. “All subjects are under 45 years old. And those who vape must never have smoked traditional cigarettes (and vice versa).”) (Note: This is a rare article that tries to point out two sides. It even mentions the retracted American Heart Association Study.)
On 17 Jun 2024, Boidin tweeted, “Self-funded opportunity to work on our e-cig and vascular function project, everything in our fantastic [Manchester Met Institute of Sport] in collaboration with [LJMU Sport Science].” The tweet links to website called Find A PHD. I saved the listing on the WayBack Machine: Acute and long-term impact of e-cigarettes use on vascular function in young healthy individuals. “About the Project: This is a full-time, self-funded PhD opportunity in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. It is open to both home and overseas students.” (It goes on to give information about the study.)
On 25 Jul 2024, Boidin tweeted, “Thanks to my UWAresearch experience, we use TCD to measure cerebral blood flow during exercise testing in our e-cigarette project in McrInstSport LJMUSportSci” (video)
Dr. Boiden put out a tweet on 09 Sep 2024 that states, “Another interview to talk about vaping and vascular health for [ITV Granada Reports] with [Anna Youssef] at [Manchester Met Institute of Sport].”
On 30 Oct 2024, the Liverpool Echo published the story “Liverpool expert issues urgent warning to anyone who vapes.” (The article discusse’s some of Boidin’s preliminary findings.)

On 25 Nov 2024, Boidin tweeted, “Job for MMU students to help on our e-cigarette research project. - 5h/week until the end of January (off during Christmas) - Role #1: recruitment - Role #2: developping skills in the lab - Great communication skills, persuasive McrInstSport. (Link to job listing no longer valid) (NOTE: What is the “recruitment” part for an 18-month study that is supposed to end in March of 2025?)
So, how did an unfinished, unpublished study end up in the tabloids again before it hit a peer-reviewed journal? This tweet from 20 January 2025 offers a clue. It is by Matt Roper, the author of the article that ended up on the front page of The Mirror. Roper tweeted, “Hi Max, the Daily Mirror is doing an investigation into vaping. Could you help us, please? DM or Thank you!” (Roper’s article was published on 23 Feb 2025)
With the media coverage that Boidin had already received with his alarming “preliminary results,” it’s easy to understand why he would end up on Roper’s radar and provide the type of sensationalist information that The Mirror has a history of providing their readers.
In response to a THR advocate questioning Roper’s article, Roper replied, “Oh yes I was warned about the vaping lobby and community notes. Lots of money at stake I guess.” I could not resist and responded to that comment. Roper did not respond to me.
A tweet by Dr. Boidin on 19 Feb 2025 stated, “We are almost finished with our e-cig study! We measure the long-term impact of vaping, but also the impact of a single use! So exciting!!”

I’m unsure if this article in Yeshiva World News, published the day after the one from The Mirror, is about the same study or another one from the same university. It gives a different author’s name (Dr. Emily Hargrove) and different details than some of the other articles about Boidin’s study.
Dr. Emily Hargrove, the study’s lead researcher, didn’t mince words. “We’ve been sold a lie,” she declared. “The assumption that vaping is a harmless escape from smoking is crumbling. Our data shows that certain e-liquids cause cellular chaos at a magnitude we haven’t seen with tobacco alone. This isn’t just a health risk—it’s a health emergency.”
After watching a tidal wave of misinformation over the last few days, I’d like to know how scientists can release results they haven’t finished collecting and analyzing and still consider themselves to be displaying ethical behavior.
Examples of the “study” headlines.
An exploration of how fast and far misinformation spreads. Here are some of the stories, from the original one by The Mirror on 23 Feb 2025 to some additional articles, blogs (and other content creators) found during my Google search this morning. I’m not going to include tweets, etc. in this list - there isn’t enough hours in the day to do so because there are so many of them!
The Mirror by Matt Roper: Exclusive: Vaping horror as first ever study reveals deadly side effects - heart disease, organ failure, dementia. Dr. Boidon tweeted the front page coverage of his research. When advocates pushed back against the article, the author tweeted, “Oh yes I was warned about the vaping lobby and community notes. Lots of money at stake I guess.
BBC Learning English: Is vaping as bad as smoking cigarettes?: BBC Learning English from the News. Also on the BBC website.
Belfast Live: Vaping horror as first ever study reveals deadly side effects - heart disease, organ failure, dementia.
BGNES News Agency: Study reveals 'shocking' impact of e-cigarettes on brain.
Body+Soul: Vaping officially deemed ‘as dangerous as smoking’, study shows.
Bristol Live: Vaping 'more harmful than smoking' as first ever study shows deadly side effects.
Chronicle Live: Groundbreaking vaping study reveals deadly side effects including organ failure, heart disease and dementia.
Cornwall Live: Vaping could be worse for health than smoking, major new study shows.
Daily Express: Horror as vaping research reveals deadly effects 'as bad as smoking cigarettes'.
Daily Motion: Vaping could put users at risk of dementia, heart disease and organ failure, finds first study of its kind.
Daily Record: First vaping study suggests long-term use leads to these horrifying side effects.
Daily Star: Deadly side of vaping revealed as bombshell study blows initial theory out the water.
DAZED: Vaping is worse than smoking, according to a world-first study.
Devon Live: World's first study shows side-effects of vaping.
Essex Live: Vaping could be worse for health than smoking, major new study shows.
Express: Horror as vaping research reveals deadly effects 'as bad as smoking cigarettes'.
IOL: New study reveals vaping may increase risk of dementia and heart disease.
Irish Mirror: First-ever vaping study uncovers horrifying dangers including organ failure and dementia.
JOE: Vaping is worse than smoking cigarettes according to new world first study.
LADBIBLE: Vaping could be worse than smoking cigarettes, according to author of world-first study.
Lancs Live: Vaping horror as deadly side effects exposed in bombshell study.
Leicestershire Live: Have your say - Are you worried about the effects of vaping as new study suggests it could be worse than smoking?
Lessons Learned in Life: Lessons Learned In Life.
Lincolnshire Live: Vaping could be worse for your health than smoking, study finds.
Liverpool Echo: Vaping horror as deadly side effects revealed in first ever study.
Liverpool Echo: Liverpool expert issues urgent warning to anyone who vapes.
Manchester Evening News: Vaping horror as first ever study reveals deadly side effects.
Manchester Evening News: Vaping and our health: the good, the bad, and the ugly truth.
MSN: Vaping 'more dangerous than smoking', first-of-its-kind study reveals.
MSN: E-cigarette users ‘will be horrified to know the truth’ about vaping, says author of new study.
My London: Have your say on whether vape rules should be changed as study finds link to serious illness.
Newsbreak: E-cigarette users ‘will be horrified to know the truth’ about vaping, says author of new study.
New York Post: E-cigarette users ‘will be horrified to know the truth’ about vaping, says author of new study.
Noah News: Vaping may be more harmful than smoking, study warns.
North Wales Live: Vaping study claims 'dangers for someone who keeps vaping are no different from smokers'.
Nottinghamshire Live: Vaping could be worse for your health than smoking, study finds.
Physicians News: Study Reveals E-Cigarettes and Vaping May Be as Harmful as Traditional Cigarettes.
Plymouth Live: World's first study shows side-effects of vaping - have your say.
PRIMEDIA: New study set to show long-term negative effects of vaping.
Somerset Live: World's first study shows side-effects of vaping - Have your say.
Surrey Live: Vaping could be worse for health than smoking, major new study shows.
The Standard: Vaping Risks: Worse Than Smoking According to New Study.
therajrpatel: (Pharmacist) The Dark Side of Vaping.
UNILAD: Scientists discover why vaping is 'more dangerous than smoking' in first-of its-kind study.
UNILAD Tech: New study reveals worrying link between vaping and these life threatening diseases.
VapeGuardian: New Research Challenges Vaping Safety Insights from Manchester Metropolitan University Study.
Verity: Study: Vaping May Pose Greater Health Risks Than Smoking.
Wales Online: Study suggests vaping could be more harmful to health than cigarettes.
Wales Online: Vaping study claims 'dangers for someone who keeps vaping are no different from smokers'.
Wall - Dr. Alexander Elder: Study Finds Greater Risk in Vaping Than Smoking Cigarettes.
Yahoo News UK: Vaping could put users at risk of dementia, heart disease and organ failure, finds first study of its kind.
Yorkshire Live: Vaping effects are 'worse than cigarettes' huge new UK study finds.
Sad to say, there are more hits on the internet like the above, but I’ve seen more garbage than I can tolerate in one day. It is time to take out the trash. Publishing in 3…2…1…
But Wait! There’s More!
Why stop at one clickbait article when you can build off of it to generate more articles?
24 Feb 2025, The Mirror by Matt Roper: Horrifying things vaping really does to the body - and what you'll notice in bed.
Thank you to all who strive to seek the truth and share it with others. I hope you continue to push back against misinformation. You are saving lives. You are my heroes!
Until next time…